
Our Products

Our products are strictly selected to satisfy the most demanding palates who are lovers of coffee and chocolate. Selection of grains of excellence by the effort of all the members that the cooperative houses.

Who we are

Cooperativa Agraria Granos de Oro del Valle de Pangoa Ltda., was founded on December 4, 2014 with its only institutional headquarters in the District of San Martín de Pangoa, Province of Satipo, Department of Junin, starting the association with 15 coffee producers; at present we conform 139 partners: 24 female members and 115 male partners, being our flagship product the Coffee, however we are growing and improving our Cocoa. Thanks to each of our associates and the effort they put into improving their farms, we have managed to offer good grains, and thus strengthen our customers.


Our products have important organic certifications


Our process has a strict quality control in each of its stages.


Allows the economic development of the area of producers.

Our main certifications


Pangoa District

Region in Perú / Junín

It is said that the term PANGOA comes from the language "ashaninka", PANGÁ or also called PANGOTSI, whose meaning is HOME, the ancient natives were distinguished from others because they were friendly, so when talking about the PANGOTSI one assumed that he was or should feel at home.

Today we can say that thanks to that kindness of the ancient natives who were respectful of the nature that welcomed them in their bosom, they gave us a prosperous land for the cultivation of coffee, in which their soils are fertile and from which under a cloudy and rainy climate grow Arabica varieties such as Catuay, Catimor, Bourbon and Caturra, high quality coffees that maintain the aroma of the vegetation of the area


Medium Roast


Chocolate, Nuts


Maple and citric honey


Grain and ground


100% organic